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5 fields that need you to know about human anatomy

5 fields that need you to know about human anatomy

The dictionary definition of anatomy is “the branch of science concerned with the bodily structure of humans, animals, and other living organisms, especially as revealed by dissection and the separation of parts.” This includes studying detailed descriptions of human anatomy illustrations. Although the study of anatomy originates in the ancient civilizations, a scientific approach to study only happened from the 14 th century onwards. Until then, the study of human anatomy was restricted to fortune-telling, supernatural, and other such fields. Due to the taboo associated with human dissection, there were hardly any substantial human anatomy illustrations for those in the field of medicine and nursing. This all changed with Andreas Vesalius’s De humani corporis fabrica and Sir Henry Gray’s Gray’s Anatomy. In their own time, these works brought about a change in the way human anatomy was studied. With their detailed human anatomy illustrations and descriptions, these two books became the basis of future anatomy studies and quite an important part of anatomy students’ lives. The study of anatomy is useful in a lot of fields. Here are few career options that can be pursued with a specialization in human anatomy: Epidemiologists: The main responsibilities of epidemiologists are to study the causes of various diseases and examine public health problems.