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Causes and signs of a concussion

Causes and signs of a concussion

TBI, also known as a Traumatic Brain Injury could be caused by a blow or hit to the head or a hit to the body where even the head and the brain get affected and move back and forth rapidly. Concussion is what happens as a result when the brain moves rapidly in the skull. This also creates chemical changes in the brain at times and can lead to brain cell damage. Though medically concussions are known to be common and harmless, there could be serious effects. Causes of a concussion are not completely inevitable as they are also external, but one can always take precautions. Our brain is cushioned by cerebrospinal fluid inside the skull to protect it from jolts and bumps. This cushioning is great for protecting the brain from day to day head bumps that are common, but when there is a bump or a blow that is more intense than the regular and harmless bumps, the skull cannot provide 100% protection at that time and it causes the brain to move inside the skull concussion. When there is a sudden movement and head gets involved in that extremely sudden movement, it could cause concussion to happen.
Home remedies to treat a concussion

Home remedies to treat a concussion

Concussion is a condition that happens when the head suffers a physical condition. Concussion, typically, is a short loss of normal brain functioning ability. A concussion is usually seen as a minor injury by most people. Treating a concussion can be difficult with regards to the magnitude of the injury. Along with medication and rest as instructed by the doctor, there are also some home remedies that can help you treat a concussion. Here are some home remedies on how to treat a concussion: Antioxidants rich food Foods that rich on antioxidants can help you treat a concussion and recover from it. Adopt fresh fruits and green leafy vegetable in your diet as they are high on folic acid and calcium there by helping with the overall healing process. Citric foods contain large amounts of vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants, becoming pivotal for your healing process. Critic foods are very high on vitamin C and vitamin C is known to subside the degree of oxidative stress that can be caused during a concussion. Fish oil tablets Fish oil is very rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, these work best on repairing the brain and speeding the overall healing process.