Select the test for your tubal reversal
Once you have undergone a sterilization process and had your t ubal ligation surgery , there is no reason for you to lose complete hopes of getting pregnant . The tubal reversal surgery will allow you to regain your fertility. A surgeon will reopen, untie or reconnect your fallopian tube so you are able to conceive a baby. Knowing this, the importance levied on choosing the doctor and the clinic for the surgery should not be trodden lightly. The surgery is quite costly, so you count on its success at one go. The success of the surgery, however, depends on various factors the age of the patient, the type of tubal ligation and the overall health of your fallopian tubes. But, you as a patient should realize that the most important factor that decides the success of your surgery is the skill and experience of the doctor and the quality of the clinic where you will undergo the surgical procedure. Best s urgeons for t ubal r eversal When you are probing the web to get an idea on the best tubal reversal surgeons in the US , Dr. Berger, and Dr. Charles Monteith are your safest bet . These two surgeons have dedicated their practice to exclusive tubal reversal surgeries only.