Bipolar mania symptoms Know when to see a doctor
About one-in-every-five people suffering from bipolar are also affected by borderline personality disorder. Unless a person has severe mania, the disease can be difficult to diagnose. It is a kind of mental disorder where the affected individual suffers from extreme mood swings that range from high known as mania to low called depression and vice versa. These mood swings can also be mixed where a person may be delighted as well as depressed at a particular moment. What are the signs and symptoms of bipolar mania? There are numerous bipolar mania symptoms, and some of them vary from one person to another. Some of these include: • Feeling extreme happiness for extended periods of time. • Feeling of sleeplessness and having a reduced need for sleep. • Speaking in a fast manner while coping up with the racing thoughts in mind. • Being impulsive and extremely restless. • Becoming distracted easily. • Feeling overconfident about oneself. • Indulging in risky activities Let us now understand these bipolar mania symptoms in detail. Talking swiftly: The first of the bipolar mania symptoms include super-fast speech, and sometimes it is so fast that the listeners may fail to understand it. You could be surprised at how a normal and thoughtful person suddenly becomes very hyper-talkative in such a way that you hardly get a chance to get into a conversation.