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Psoriasis – symptoms, causes, and treatment options

Psoriasis – symptoms, causes, and treatment options

Psoriasis is an unusual skin condition that influences the skin cells to multiply a lot faster than usual. It is marked by the development of red, bumpy patches covered in white scales. The condition usually occurs during early adulthood and affects either a small or large area of the body. Here are the symptoms and causes of psoriasis, as well its treatment options, that you must be aware of: Symptoms The symptoms of psoriasis are diverse and differ from person to person. Here are some of the most common signs of the condition: Tiny, scaly spots on the skin Thickened or ridged nails and nail pitting Unusual itching, soreness, or burning in affected areas Psoriatic arthritis, in which the joints swell and stiffen Cracked, dry skin that may itch and bleed Causes There isn’t much clarity on what causes the abnormal generation of skin cells. However, based on research, psoriasis tends to be hereditary and can skip generations before affecting a biological member of the family. Some studies suggest that apart from genetics, environmental factors also trigger the condition. Here are some known causes of the condition: Strep throat or skin infections Extremely dry or cold weather conditions Physical, psychological, psychosocial, and psychospiritual stress Excessive alcohol consumption Cigarette smoking and secondhand smoke Skin issues that include cuts or scrapes, bites from bugs, and severe sunburns Blood pressure medications, such as beta-blockers Treatment There is no cure for the disorder, but there are treatments that can greatly help reduce its symptoms.
Here’s Why Getting an HPV Vaccine is Important

Here’s Why Getting an HPV Vaccine is Important

The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) triggers STD (sexually transmitted diseases) infections that mostly spread through intimate contact. Studies indicate that at least 1 in 4 people have a chance of contracting the HPV infection. In most cases, the symptoms experienced are mild, and the infection tends to resolve on its own without the need for medical intervention. However, HPV is one of the leading triggers of 6 different types of cancer that affect men and women in the later stages of life. Statistics indicate that nearly 80 million people in the country may carry some form of the HPV virus. From these, roughly 14 million are infected each year. The vaccine for HPV is effective in preventing and reducing the risk of cancer and is administered early on in children. The ideal time to get an HPV vaccine By the age of 9 The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) recommends administering two doses of the vaccine to children by the age of 9. Between the ages 11 and 12 The child may need more than two doses for it to be effective between the ages of 11 and 12. Timing is absolutely crucial when it comes to the HPV vaccine’s effectiveness.
Effective Ways to Prevent and Treat Dog Fleas

Effective Ways to Prevent and Treat Dog Fleas

Pests can invade a dog’s furry coat and create quite havoc. Some dogs are extremely sensitive to these crawly bugs and can develop skin reactions. That said, several products are available in the market to tackle this problem, and flea tablets are one of them. These fast-acting pills control ticks, worms, and other pests, so pet owners won’t have to worry about infestations. Here are a few trusted flea pills for dogs that will actively protect your pet’s fur coat. Capstar Flea Tablets Capstar is a well-known brand for effective flea-prevention and treatment products. Their flea pills for dogs and puppies can prevent allergy dermatitis, which often occurs due to a flea infestation. Their tablets can start killing these pests within half an hour of ingestion, and they are safe enough for daily single-dose consumption. While no prescription is needed to purchase these, remember to get approval from your vet as they will know if the medicine will agree with your canine. Trifexis Chewable Tablets These strong monthly chewable flea pills for dogs are a good fix for fleas, and they also help keep heartworm disease at bay. They have a blend of pest-fighting agents like milbemycin oxime and spinosad that fight parasites and curb infestation.
Say Goodbye To Feet Pain With Effective Treatment

Say Goodbye To Feet Pain With Effective Treatment

Say goodbye to feet pain with effective treatment Feet pain is a common problem. Everyone suffers from it regardless of age and gender. So what’s exactly going on? What can you do about it? What can be the relative cause of the sudden rise in foot pain for everyone? Your feet are an important part of your body for the simple reason that they carry you places. You might not even be noticing the hours you spend standing, walking, and doing simple activities. All of it is done with the strength of your legs and feet. This means that if anything goes wrong, you’re bound to notice. This is why ignoring foot pain is a bad idea, because pain is often a signal for distress and help. Structure of the foot Your single foot consists of 26 bones and 33 joints. These are all surrounded by muscles and tendons that make it flexible and durable enough to hold the weight of your body. The ankle too is a part of your foot, where it joins the rest of the leg. It is your ligaments that hold all your tiny bones together, this includes your toes. These ligaments allow for flexible movement and durability, which is backed by many other internal and external muscles.
Know About The Treatment Options For Diabetes

Know About The Treatment Options For Diabetes

Know about the treatment options for diabetes About a 100 million people are suffering from diabetes or prediabetes in the world. Among them, around 30 million stay in the US. Diabetes can affect anybody at any time. Whether you are in your 20s or 60s, you may get diabetes. Thus, it is very important for everybody, especially who have certain risk factors for diabetes to get their blood sugar level checked at least once every year. Diabetes is a serious ailment that cannot be treated all by yourself. You would need to consult a doctor who would chart out a diabetes treatment plan which would be appropriate for you. You may also require a team of medical professionals for diabetes treatment. The team would include a nutritionist, foot doctor, diabetes specialist, or endocrinologist and an eye doctor. To keep the blood sugar levels in control is the main aim of any diabetes treatment plan. In order to achieve the goal set by your physician, you need to take the medicines on time, exercise, and follow a healthy diet. The see-saw effect or rapid changes in your blood sugar levels can be counteracted by paying diligent attention to what you eat and when you eat.
Popular Treatment And Self-Care Options For Diabetic Foot Pain

Popular Treatment And Self-Care Options For Diabetic Foot Pain

Popular treatment and self-care options for diabetic foot pain Diabetes often means having a greater risk of a foot condition. It can lead to long-term problems all across your body. It is required to follow the tips prescribed by the doctor, add a healthy diet, and exercise to control the blood sugar effectively. High blood sugar can cause diabetic neuropathy responsible for damaging the nerves that send signals from your hands and feet. Foot problems can turn to severe if not treated timely. It is essential to keep checking your feet daily to notice if you need to undergo foot examination and diabetic foot pain treatment. Four types of diabetes-related neuropathy Peripheral neuropathy – Generally, it affects the feet and legs. However, it can also lead to arm, abdomen, and back related issues in rare cases. Some symptoms of peripheral neuropathy include the following: Tingling Numbness Burning Pain Autonomic neuropathy – This usually affects the digestives system, along with the stomach. Apart from it, this also affects the sex organs, blood vessels, urinary system. Some of the symptoms include the following: Nausea Vomiting Feeling full after small meals Bloating Diarrhea Constipation Heartburn Proximal neuropathy – It leads to pain in the hips, thighs, or buttocks.
Some Effective Steps For Treating Diarrhea

Some Effective Steps For Treating Diarrhea

Some effective steps for treating diarrhea Almost everyone has experienced bouts of diarrhea in some point of their life. Whether it is an infant or an adult or elderly person, diarrhea can affect anyone. In most of the cases, the symptoms or extent of diarrhea are limited to feeling bloated in the stomach, abdominal cramps, and watery stool. While most of the patients recover after getting some home remedies and treatments for diarrhea, some may get acute conditions. Learning about the right type of diarrhea treatment is extremely important to check the condition at the preliminary stage. However, before proceeding to the diarrhea treatment or remedies, it is important to the causes of diarrhea and how to avoid them. Causes of diarrhea Diarrhea is mostly caused due to food poisoning, bacterial infection, or viral infection. However, some may get it after drinking contaminated water. In some rare cases, diarrhea may develop as a side-effect of some antibiotic use. Diarrhea refers to the condition in which the gastrointestinal system deals with its disruption due to the aforesaid causes. Symptoms of diarrhea start recovering as soon as the gastrointestinal system is healed. Generally, the condition is healed in less than a week’s time.
All About Oxygen Therapies You Need To Know

All About Oxygen Therapies You Need To Know

All about oxygen therapies you need to know Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(COPD) is the colloquial name given to a group of progressive lung diseases that obstruct air flow, thus making it difficult for the patient to breathe normally. The most prevalent ones are emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Although there are cases where the patient has just one of the two, a lot of people tend to have both; one is a symptom of the other or vice versa. The biggest cause of COPD is smoking. It gradually destroys the air sacs in the lungs which interfere with outward flow of air; this makes exhaling difficult. Presently, there is no known remedy or cure for COPD. COPD oxygen therapy, along with other medication is the usual go-to treatment prescribed by doctors and health professionals to ease symptoms and lower the chances of the patient developing severe complications down the line. There are three types of COPD oxygen therapy that a patient can opt for. Here is a detailed rundown of all of them along with their pros and cons: Compressed Oxygen Gas Cylinders The way of using compressed oxygen gas in pressurized cylinders which are made up of aluminum is the traditional way of dispensing oxygen to the patient.
Symptoms, Diagnosis, And Treatment Of Deep Vein Thrombosis

Symptoms, Diagnosis, And Treatment Of Deep Vein Thrombosis

Symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of deep vein thrombosis DVT stands for deep vein thrombosis in which a blood clot form (clump of blood in a solid state) in an artery or vein situated deep inside your body. This is a serious condition. Though DVT can form all over of your body, most often it occurs in your thigh or pelvis. DVT is serious and needed to have timely treatment for deep vein thrombosis otherwise it may lead to severe medical condition. Who are at risk? Having history of a heart attack or stroke are also more likely to have clots in comparison of the people having no history of cardiovascular problems. Being overweight means fatty tissues lift up the levels of estrogen, and it can contribute to form blood clots. Pregnant women are also at risk of having blood clot, and this is one of prominent cause of maternal death. People who do smoking and indulge in drug use. Those over 60 are more likely to have DVT. If you hold a family history, you need to be a bit more aware. Sitting at a chair all day and avoiding exercise can also lead to DVT. What are the symptoms of DVT?
Available Treatments For Chronic Pain

Available Treatments For Chronic Pain

Available treatments for chronic pain The medical language defines chronic pain as the pain that persists in a person for 3 to 6 months or more caused by an injury. The International Association for the study of pain classifies chronic pain as pain without biological value, continued even after the normal tissue healing. In other words, the pain that seems to last much longer than expected can be characterized as chronic pain syndrome. This sort of torment can affect the quality of the person’s life alongside causing mental disturbance. The pain sensation begins as the nervous system sends signals to the area injured triggering the pain sensors alerting that you have been hurt. Usually these messages sent out by the brain comes to a stop when the injury has been completely healed but in case of chronic pain the brain still sends such messages even though the wound has completely healed. Chronic pain has no fixed point of origin. Most common points of origin could be brain, spinal cord or the body. Various medications are prescribed, based on the reasons for generating the pain whether it was a damaged tissue or entirely neuropathic. People suffering from this condition are generally vulnerable to depression, anxiety, disrupted sleep, fatigue or mood swings.
Causes, Prevention, And Treatment Options For Congestive Heart Failure

Causes, Prevention, And Treatment Options For Congestive Heart Failure

Causes, prevention, and treatment options for congestive heart failure Most of us think that heart failure means if the heart has stopped working. However, it is not like that. Heart failure indicates that heart’s pumping power is weaker and not able to work as it should be. With heart failure, blood does not smoothly, and it leads to pressure on your heart. Moreover, blood moves at a slower rate because of this pressure on heart gets increased. Heart failure has emerged as the leading cause of hospitalization. According to the study, approximately 670,000 are diagnosed with heart failure each year. Heart failure is the medical term used to explain the condition. Causes of congestive heart failure It is important to go for annual checkups to mitigate the risk for heart health problems. Patients having hypertension are at risk as blood pressure remains higher as well as fat/cholesterol restrict the blood vessels. Coronary artery disease is also responsible for leading to CHF. Coronary arteries are the small arteries which supply blood to the heart. Cholesterol and other types of fatty substances can make this artery blocked. Once they become narrow, blood flow does not remain smooth. It can even lead to artery damage.