Effective Tips To Lower Your A1C Score
Effective tips to lower your A1C score The A1C test is a type of blood test which gives information about a person’s levels of blood sugar, over a period of three months. The A1C test is derived from the relation between the glucose and the hemoglobin, which is a component of the red blood cells (RBCs) and supplies oxygen to different organs. In a human body, RBCs are constantly being formed and also dying, but generally their life span averages to 3 months. Hence this information is used to test if a person has diabetes or not. For people who don’t have diabetes, a percentage below 5.7% is believed to be normal; whereas 5.7% to 6.4% indicates pre-diabetes and that the person is prone to it. 6.5% or higher percentage means that the person has diabetes. If you have diabetes, then a score of 7% or lower is preferred. For controlling diabetes, reducing A1C is the most crucial and important part. Below are some ideas to inculcate in your daily life to lower A1C levels: Exercising It is very important for all the diabetics to make up their lack of stamina which has occurred due to this problem. It is recommended to obtain a 30-minute exercise for around 5 days a week.